Web Development with Python

Web Development with Python







3 Days


Public Class

Public Class

Python Web Development Course

Learn Python Web Development in 3 Days

Welcome to our “Web Development with Python” course! If you’re eager to delve into the dynamic world of Python web development, you’re in the right place. Over the span of just 3 days, our instructor-led program will equip you with the essential skills needed to craft web applications using the powerful Django framework.

Your Path to a Brighter Future

This course is designed for a diverse audience – from beginners taking their first steps into programming to those keen on mastering the Django framework. If you’ve been itching to enhance your career prospects, this course offers the ideal platform. We understand that a solid understanding of Python and Django can open up a world of opportunities in the fast-paced tech industry. And the best part? You don’t need to be a seasoned programmer to get started. As long as you’re comfortable with the Windows operating system and have a basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS, you’re ready to roll!

What You'll Achieve

Throughout the course, you’ll embark on a journey of discovery, learning how to create full-stack websites, understand Django’s architecture, and handle everything from session management to authentication. We’ll take you through the core Python concepts and introduce you to the MVC design pattern. By the end of this program, you’ll be well-versed in web development with Python, ready to build, innovate, and carve out a promising career in the ever-evolving tech landscape. So, let’s get started on your Python web development adventure!

Course Details

Duration: 3 Days; Instructor-led

Introduction to Python and Django course starts by teaching students the basics of Python, then moves on to teach students how to develop Web applications using the Django framework. This class covers basics of creating basic applications using the MVC (model-view-controller) design pattern, as well as more advanced topics such as administration, session management, authentication, and automated testing.


  • Anyone who needs to learn how to write programs in Python
  • Anyone who wants a solid exposure to Python as their first programming language
  • Anyone who needs to learn Django framework


Participants should already be comfortable using the operating system Windows on which they will be running Python. While not mandatory, basic skills with at least one other programming language are desirable. All students should have a working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS.


This program will be conducted with interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentation, discussion, and practical exercise.

Course Objectives

All students will:

  • Develop full-stack web sites
  • Use python data types appropriately
  • Define data models
  • Understand the architecture of a Django-based web site
  • Create Django templates for easy-to-modify views
  • Map views to URLs
  • Take advantage of the built-in Admin interface
  • Provide HTML form processing


  • Introduction
  • List Comprehension
  • Set Comprehension
  • Iterator vs Iterable
  • Looping through an Iterator
  • Creating an Iterator
  • Stopping Iteration
  • Infinite Iterators
  • Functions
  • Variable-length arguments
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Lambda Operator
  • Map function
  • Mapping a List of Functions
  • Filtering
  • Reducing a List
  • Reduce function
  • Introduction
  • Exception handling
  • Multiple except clauses
  • Custom made Exceptions
  • Clean-up Actions (try … finally)
  • Combining try, except and finally
  • Else Clause
  • Introduction
  • Method of Operation
  • Using a ‘return’ in a Generator
  • Send Method / Coroutines
  • The throw Method
  • Decorating Generators
  • Yield from
  • Recursive Generators
  • A Generator of Generators
  • Introduction
  • Functions inside Functions
  • Functions as Parameters
  • Functions returning Functions
  • A Simple Decorator
  • Syntax for Decorator
  • Use cases for Decorator
  • Decorators with Parameters
  • Classes instead of Functions
  • Introduction
  • First-class Everything
  • A Minimal Class in Python
  • Attributes
  • Methods
  • The __init__ method
  • Data Abstraction
  • Data Encapsulation and Information Hiding
  • __str__ and __repr__ method
  • Public Private and Protected Attributes
  • Destructor
  • Class and Instance Attributes
  • Static Methods
  • Class Methods
  • Properties vs Getters and Setters
  • Introduction
  • Syntax Inheritance
  • Overloading
  • Overriding
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Diamond Problem
  • Super and MRO
  • Polymorphism
  • Slots
  • Avoiding Dynamically created Attributes
  • About dictionaries
  • Creating dictionaries
  • Iterating through a dictionary
  • About sets
  • Creating sets
  • Working with sets
  • About sequences
  • Function parameters
  • Global variables
  • Global scope
  • Returning values
  • Sorting data
  • Syntax errors
  • Exceptions
  • Using try / catch / else
  • Using finally
  • Handling multiple exceptions
  • Ignoring exceptions
  • The import statements
  • Module search path
  • Zipped libraries
  • Creating Modules
  • Function and Module aliases
  • About o-o programming
  • Defining classes
  • Constructors
  • Instance methods and data
  • Class
  • Static methods and data
  • Inheritance
  • Sites and apps
  • Shared configuration
  • Minimal Django layout
  • Built in flexibility
  • Executing manage.py
  • Starting the project
  • Database setup
  • The development server
  • Generate the application files
  • Defining models
  • Related objects
  • SQL Migration
  • App configuration
  • Accessing models
  • Setting up the admin user
  • Running the admin site
  • Tweaking the admin interface
  • Changing the admin index page
  • What is a view
  • HttpResponse
  • URL route configuration
  • Shortcut: get_object_or_404()
  • About templates
  • Django template syntax
  • Static files
  • Loading templates
  • The URL tags
  • QuerySets
  • Field lookups
  • Chaining filters
  • Slicing QuerySets
  • Related fields
  • Q objects
  • Variable lookups
  • Comments
  • Inheritance
  • Filters
  • Escaping HTML
  • Custom filters
  • Forms overview
  • GET and POST
  • The Form classes
  • Processing the form
  • Widgets
  • Validation
  • Forms in templates
  • Beyond the basics
  • The g (global) object
  • Creating a table
  • Inserting rows
  • Making queries



Interested In

Web Development with Python

Starting From
Intake Date
5-7 AUG 2024
25-27 NOV 2024
Class Type
Private, Public

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Course Name: Web Development with Python
Duration: 3 Days
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