Angular 15

Angular 15







5 Days


Public Class

Public Class

Angular 15: Supercharge Your Web Development Skills

Unleash the Power of Angular 15

If you’re ready to supercharge your web development skills, look no further than our Angular 15 course at Info Trek. In this 5-day, 35-hour instructor-led or remote online training program, you’ll dive deep into the cutting-edge world of Angular. But wait, it’s not just another tech course; it’s your key to transforming your career as a modern web developer.

Elevate Your Career

With the rapid evolution of web applications, Angular 15 has become the go-to solution for developers seeking lightning-fast performance and seamless responsiveness. This course equips you with the skills and knowledge to harness the full potential of Angular. You’ll learn to build single-page applications, utilize the latest TypeScript features, create dynamic components, and master client-side authentication services.

Invest in your career by enrolling in the Angular 15 course at Info Trek. From ES5 fundamentals to the latest in Angular Material Design, we’ve got you covered. Elevate your career to new heights and stand out in the competitive world of web development.

Join the Angular Revolution

Join us for this engaging, interactive, and hands-on learning journey. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to stay at the forefront of technology or a newcomer with a passion for web development, our course will empower you to take the web by storm. Angular 15 is not just a version; it’s a revolution, and your ticket to becoming a web development trailblazer. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to master Angular 15 and boost your career potential. Info Trek is your partner in this exciting journey, and we’re here to help you go beyond your limits.

Course Details

Course Duration: 5 day; / 35 hours; Instructor-led/ remote online training


The Angular training course covers all major components, syntax, and tooling of the Angular web application framework. Angular fulfil the expectations of modern developers who demand fast performance and responsiveness from their web applications. Participants will set up their working environment to have all the tools needed to start building Angular components with minimum effort.


Before attending this course, students should have general programming experience and knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


This program will be conducted with interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentation, discussion, and practical exercise.

Course Objectives

  • Utilize the Angular core constructs to build Single Page Applications.
  • Install necessary modules correctly using NPM.
  • Write applications in TypeScript to be transferred to browser-supported JavaScript.
  • Build Template and Module-driven forms.
  • Utilize Pipes and built-in data formatting tools.
  • Setup routing and URLs.
  • Execute CRUD commands on REST APIs over Http.


  • Overview of ES5
  • Installing Node and NPM
  • JavaScript Basic Syntax
  • Detailing on ES5 problems
  • JavaScript project creation using NPM
  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • TypeScript Environment Setup
  • Basic Syntax
  • Types, Variables and Operators
  • Decision Making
  • Loops
  • Functions and Lambda Expressions
  • Summary
  • Classes and Objects
  • Interface
  • Inheritance
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • Number and Strings
  • Arrays
  • Tuples and Union
  • Namespaces and Modules
  • Decorators
  • Ambients
  • Mixins
  • Summary
  • Angular CLI
  • Why Angular
  • Angular Features
  • Installing and Using Angular
  • Creating the first Angular Project
  • Architecture Overview
  • What is new in Angular Latest Version
  • Summary
  • Introducing the component
  • Component Decorator Properties
  • Template
  • Inline Template
  • Interpolation – Plain text, Object and Array
  • Adding CSS
  • Component Starter
  • Integrating Bootstrap
  • Summary
  • Binding Syntax
  • One-Way Binding
  • Property binding
  • Attribute binding
  • Setting Element Properties
  • Binding Events
  • Key event filtering
  • Template Reference Variables
  • Two-Way Binding of Input Fields
  • Summary
  • What are Directives
  • Directive Types
  • Apply Styles using NgClass and NgStyle
  • Applying Styles Directly
  • Obsolete Directives and Property Binding
  • Controlling Element Visibility
  • Setting Image Source Dynamically
  • Setting Hyperlink Source Dynamically
  • Creating custom Directive
  • Summary
  • Adding and Removing Elements Dynamically
  • Looping Using ngFor
  • ngFor – Basic Syntax
  • Creating Tables with ngFor
  • ngFor Local Variables
  • Swapping Elements with ngSwitch
  • ngSwitch – Basic Syntax
  • ngSwitch – Full Template Syntax
  • Creating custom Directive
  • Summary
  • A Basic Angular Form
  • Binding Input Fields
  • Accessing the Form Object
  • Binding the Form Submit Event
  • The Submit Function
  • Basic HTML5 Validation – “required” Attribute
  • Angular Validators
  • Angular Validation State
  • Displaying Form Validation State
  • Displaying Field Validation State
  • Disabling Submit when Form is Invalid
  • Submitting the Form
  • Binding to Object Variables
  • Additional Input Types
  • Checkboxes
  • Select (drop down) Fields
  • Rendering Options for Select (drop down)
  • Date fields
  • Radio Buttons
  • Summary
  • What are Pipes?
  • Using a Built-in Pipe
  • Chaining Pipes
  • Some Pipe Examples
  • Decimal Pipe, Currency Pipe
  • Custom Pipes
  • Using Custom Pipes
  • A Filter Pipe
  • A Sort Pipe
  • Pipe Category: Pure and Impure
  • Pure Pipe Example
  • Impure Pipe Example
  • Summary
  • Routing and Navigation
  • The Component Router
  • Traditional Browser Navigation
  • Component Router Terminology
  • Setting up the Component Router
  • Routes
  • The app.routes.ts File
  • Bootstrapping Routing in main.ts
  • A Basic App With Routing
  • App Routes
  • App Component
  • Programmatic Navigation
  • Basic Navigation
  • Passing Data During Navigation
  • Creating Routes with Route Parameters
  • Navigating with Route Parameters
  • Using Route Parameter Values
  • Retrieving the Route Parameter Synchronously
  • Retrieving the Route Parameter Asynchronously
  • Query Parameters
  • Query Parameters – queryParams
  • Query Parameters – Navigation
  • Retrieving Query Parameters Asynchronously
  • Summary
  • What is a Service?
  • Creating a Basic Service
  • What is Dependency Injection?
  • What Dependency Injection Looks Like
  • Injecting Services
  • Using a Service in a Component: Dedicated Instance
  • Using a Service in a Component: Shared Instance
  • Dependency Injection and @Self
  • Dependency Injection and @Host
  • Dependency Injection and @Optional
  • Summary
  • What is an Observable?
  • Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • What are Streams
  • What is RxJS
  • RxJS Observable
  • Subject
  • Behaviour Subject
  • Core RxJS Concepts – Errors, Completion and Subscriptions
  • RxJS Operators
  • RxJS Filter Operator
  • RxJS concatMap Operator
  • RxJS mergeMap Operator
  • RxJS exhaustMap Operator
  • RxJS startWith Operator
  • Building Components with RxJS
  • Sharing HTTP Responses with the shareReplay Operator
  • Observable Concatenation
  • Understanding the merge Observable combination Strategy
  • Unsubscription
  • Summary
  • The Angular HTTP Client
  • Importing Individual Providers into Services
  • Service Using Http Client
  • Service Imports
  • What does an Observable Object do?
  • Making a Basic HTTP GET Call
  • Using the Service in a Component
  • Importing Observable Methods
  • Enhancing the Service with .map() and .catch()
  • Using .map()
  • Using .catch()
  • Using toPromise()
  • GET Request
  • GET Request with Options
  • GET Request Example
  • POST Request
  • POST Request Example
  • Reading HTTP Response Headers
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Registering the reactive forms module
  • Generating a new form control
  • Registering the control
  • Managing control values
  • Grouping form controls
  • Creating FormGroup
  • Associating the FormGroup model and View
  • Saving form data
  • Displaying the component
  • Creating nested form groups
  • Grouping the nested form in the template
  • Partial model updates
  • Generating form controls with FormBuilder
  • Injecting the FormBuilder service
  • Generating form controls
  • Simple form validation
  • Dynamic controls using form arrays
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • What are Modules?
  • Getting Started with Feature Modules
  • Splitting Modules Correctly
  • Adding Routes to Feature Modules
  • Component Declarations
  • Understanding Shared Modules
  • Understanding the Core Module
  • Understanding Lazy Loading
  • Implementing Lazy Loading
  • Modules & Services
  • Loading Services Differently
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Dynamic component Loading
  • The anchor directive
  • Loading Components
  • Resolving Components
  • Developing Dialog Component
  • Adding the Dialog Component
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Key principles
  • Setting up Angular Material
  • Creating Material Master Module
  • First Material Components
  • Flexbox Basics
  • Adding Sidenav Component
  • Adding Responsiveness
  • Using Lists
  • Using Cards
  • Using Tabs
  • Using Tables
  • Adding Pagination
  • Adding Filtering
  • Adding Header Sorting
  • Summary
  • Adding Toolbar Menu
  • Dialog Basics
  • Creating First Dialog
  • Scaffolding a Form
  • Customizing the Form
  • Adding Form Validation
  • Using DatePicker
  • Saving the Data
  • Snackbar Notification
  • Creating Custom Themes
  • Toggling Themes
  • RTL and LTR Support
  • Summary
  • Introduction to Cryptographic Hashes
  • Implement a Password Policy
  • Modelling a User Session
  • Browser Cookies
  • Protect Cookies using HTTP Only Cookies
  • Client-Side User Session Management
  • Securing a REST Endpoint
  • User Login
  • Implementing Logout
  • Understanding CSRF
  • Implement CSRF double submit cookie defense
  • Introduction JSON Web Tokens
  • JSON Web Tokens In Detail – Header and Payload
  • JWT Signature With HS256 / RS256
  • Combine Cookies and JWTs
  • Setting Subject and Expiration
  • Storing JWT In Local Storage
  • Authorization Router Guard
  • Summary
  • Introduction to Jasmine and Karma
  • Benefits of Unit Testing
  • Karma Config
  • Using – describe
  • Using – it
  • Using – beforeEach
  • Testing a Form
  • Testing a Component with Services
  • Testing an asynchronous operation
  • Summary



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Angular 15

Starting From
Intake Date
15-19 JULY 2024
2-6 SEPT 2024
25-29 NOV 2024
Class Type
Private, Public

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