Google Sheets Intermediate

Google Sheets Intermediate







1 Day


Public Class

Public Class

Unleash Your Potential with Google Sheets Training

Are you ready to supercharge your career with Google Sheets training? Look no further! Info Trek’s ‘Google Sheets Intermediate’ course is your ticket to mastering the art of spreadsheet wizardry. Designed for clerks, officers, executives, supervisors, administrators, and managers of all levels, this course takes you on a transformative journey into the realm of data manipulation and analysis.

What to Expect

In this interactive and hands-on program, you’ll dive deep into the world of Google Sheets. Starting with referencing calculations, you’ll learn the ins and outs of formula references, named ranges, and more. The course then propels you into the realm of functions, teaching you how to perform conditional data summaries, work with logical functions, and organize dynamic data ranges efficiently.

Elevate Your Career

Imagine being the go-to expert in your organization for crafting complex formulas, creating insightful charts, and wrangling data with ease. With ‘Google Sheets Intermediate,’ you can turn this vision into reality. Whether you’re aiming for a promotion, seeking to boost your productivity, or simply looking to enhance your skill set, this course has you covered. Join us on this learning journey, and unlock a world of possibilities with Google Sheets training. Your career’s next big leap begins here!

Course Details

Course Code: GSSI-1; Instructor-led


This course is designed for Clerks, Officers, Executives, Supervisors, Administrators, Managers of all levels; and personnel who already know and understand and want to further enhance their knowledge and practical uses of Google Sheet.


Basic knowledge of Google Sheet is essential with the following pre-requisites:

  • Have attended Google Sheet Foundation Level; OR
  • Able to switch between task applications
  • Able to create a spreadsheet with simple formatting
  • Able to print a spreadsheet with headers and footers
  • Able to create basic formulas – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
  • Able to use basic functions – AutoSum, Count, Max, Min and Average functions.


This program will be conducted with interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentation, discussion and practical exercise.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Create simple to complex formulas and functions, like:
    • COUNTA & COUNTIFS Function
    • SUMIF & SUMIFS Function
    • IF Functions
    • Nested Functions
  • Validate data in a Worksheet
  • Filter data using Auto & Advanced Filters
  • Create & Format Chart
  • Clean Duplicate Records
  • Sorting data


  • Topic A: Formula Reference
    • Relative References
    • Absolute References
    • Mixed References
  • Topic B: Named Range
    • Adding Range with Name
    • Using Range Names in Formulas
    • Viewing Named Ramges
  • Topic A: Conditional Data Summary
    • DSUM
  • Topic B: Logical Function
    • IF
    • IFS
  • Topic A: Organize a Range
    • Alternating colors
    • Remove duplicates
  • Topic B: Sort and Filter Data
    • Sorting Data
    • Filtering Data
  • Topic C: Data Validation
    • Lists
    • Number
    • Date
    • Check Box
  • Topic A: Conditional Formatting
    • Single color
    • Color scale
  • Topic B: Create Charts
    • Chart Types
    • Resizing and Moving the Chart
    • Chart style
    • Chart & Axis Title
    • Series fill color & line color
    • Legend
    • Format horizontal axis
    • Format vertical axis
    • Gridline & ticks



Interested In

Google Sheets Intermediate

Starting From
Intake Date
29 AUG 2024
29 OCT 2024
30 DEC 2024
Class Type
Private, Public

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