DP-070T00 Migrate Open Source Data Workloads To Azure

DP-070T00 Migrate Open Source Data Workloads To Azure







1 Day


Public Class

Public Class

Dive into the World of Azure with Our Azure Course

Are you ready to unlock the power of Azure and take your career to new heights? Look no further than our ‘Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure’ course, the gateway to mastering the dynamic world of Microsoft Azure. In this one-day instructor-led course, we bring you the expertise to comprehend Azure SQL Database and equip you with the knowledge required for seamless migration of MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Azure SQL Database.

Who Should Enroll?

This course caters to database developers planning to migrate their MySQL or Postgres DB workloads to Azure SQL DB, making it an invaluable asset for those seeking to propel their careers in database management. Even MySQL/Postgres administrators can benefit from the course by gaining a deep understanding of Azure SQL DB’s features and advantages.

What You'll Learn

With interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentations, discussions, and practical exercises, our methodology ensures a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter. By the end of the course, you’ll be proficient in migrating on-premises MySQL to Azure SQL DB for MySQL and on-premises PostgreSQL to Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL, making you a sought-after professional in the world of cloud database management.

Don’t miss this opportunity to upskill and boost your career in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Join our Azure course today and be at the forefront of the Azure revolution!

Course Details

Course Code:DP-070T00-A; Duration: 1 Day; Instructor Led

This course will enable the students to understand Azure SQL Database, and educate the students on what is required to migrate MySQL and PostgreSQL workloads to Azure SQL Database.


The primary audience for this course is database developers who plan to migrate their MySQL or Postgres DB workloads to Azure SQL DB. The secondary audience for this course is MySQL/Postgres administrators to raise awareness of the features and benefits of Azure SQL DB.



In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:

  • Some knowledge of open source relational database management systems such as Postgres and/or MySQL, SQL administration, backup and recovery techniques i.e. dumping table data.


This program will be conducted with interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentation, discussions, and practical exercise.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the students will have learned:

  • Migrate on-premises MySQL to Azure SQL DB for MySQL
  • Migrate on-premises PostgreSQL to Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL


This module describes the benefits and architecture of Azure SQL DB.




  • OSS databases overview
  • Common OSS database workloads
  • Customer challenges in migration


Lab: Creating source OSS databases

  • Installation of Postgres migration DB server
  • Installation of MySQL migration DB server
  • Backups / data dumps from Postgres / MySQL
  • Restore from data dumps.

This module describes the benefits and process of migrating MySQL workloads to Azure SQL DB


  • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for MySQL
  • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for MySQL
  • Application Migration
  • Post-migration considerations

Lab: Migrating MySQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB

  • Migrating MySQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB
  • Define Source and Target DBs
  • Perform Migration
  • Verify Migration

This module describes the benefits and process of migrating PostgreSQL DB workloads to Azure SQL DB


  • Configure and Manage Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL
  • Migrate on-premises MySQL to SQL DB for PostgreSQL
  • Application Migration
  • Post-migration considerations

 Lab: Migrating PostgreSQL DB Workloads to Azure SQL DB

  • Configure Azure SQL DB for PostgreSQL
  • Define Source and Target DBs
  • Perform Migration
  • Verify Migration



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DP-070T00 Migrate Open Source Data Workloads To Azure

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Course Name: DP-070T00 Migrate Open Source Data Workloads To Azure
Duration: 1 Day
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