It’s Time To Address Mobile Device Security.

Smartphone ownership among employees issued by employers are becoming increasingly common, but how safe it is, really?

Cellphone ownership is becoming increasingly common. It is estimated that approximately 5 billion people worldwide possess mobile devices. Smartphones are not only for personal use, ask any workaholics – they probably have another smartphone especially for work.

Smartphones Is A Necessity For Work

Company smartphones are issued by employers to employees for one good reason alone – work productivity. It is not surprising that brands are making their presence known on mobile domain. Some brands are turning to Whatsapp Business to create engagement with customers through creative measures. The ownership of company’s mobile devices at the workplace has become more necessary for employees to perform their duties.

PC at workplace is often equipped and serviced to counteract potential cyberattacks but this may be uncommon for mobile devices as we don’t normally associate disastrous privacy invasion, data breach, ransomwares, and the likes with mobile devices. However, this doesn’t translate to mobile devices’ absolute immunity to cybercriminals.

In 2019, there was 50% increase of cyberattacks targeting mobile devices compared to the previous year.Source

Predators of Mobile Devices

Malware is one of the notable cyberattack options adapted to compromise the integrity of mobile devices. How can it catch a malware infection?

Malicious app downloads: Pirated apps unknowingly installed on the phone often contain malware. It latches itself on the smartphone’s software and cause preventable damage and steal sensitive data.

Existing operating system vulnerabilities: Mobile devices work just like PCs – regular updates and patches keep them in good condition. Installed updates fortify the mobile devices against troubles stemming from vulnerabilities. Cyber criminals seek and exploit vulnerabilities on smartphone to make an entry.

Opening suspicious e-mails. Employees rely on mobile devices to check corporate e-mail inbox and this is an opportunity for cyberattacks. Suspicious e-mails, once open will initiate download and installation of malwares.

Non-secure public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi should be avoided as it leaves the gaping question unanswered: Who owns it? Cyber criminals prey on the unwary and gain access to users’ data through unsecured means.

Text message phishing: Cyber criminals may pretend to be someone else or a legitimize source. They proceed to ask for your personal information or about the device. Hacking may take place based on what was gathered for a targeted attack.

Prevent Cyberattacks on Mobile Devices

Never jailbreak the device: Jailbreaking removes numerous built-in security features which increases the probability of vulnerabilities.

Download apps from reputable sources: Always double check who develops the app and look at the reviews to see users’ feedback.

Update software and hardware: Can’t be bothered to update mobile devices during working hours? Update them at night to reduce the chances of interruption.

Train the employees: Cybersecurity training is not just for PC owners – the scope is wider than general assumption.

Mobile devices should treated with upmost significance like how computers and servers are treated. If they are important for businesses, they are just as important for cybercriminals.

